Help Families Face, Fight, and Overcome Cancer – Believe Big

Recently Ivelisse Page was interviewed by Go Solo. That article is copied below, original source can be viewed here >
Interested in starting your own journey in a non-profit organization, but not sure what to expect? Then read up on our interview with Ivelisse Page, co-founder of Believe Big in Colorado, USA.
Tell us about your organization…
It is our mission to help families face, fight, and overcome cancer. We do this by educating individuals on a comprehensive approach to cancer prevention and treatment. We help connect patients with physicians trained in mistletoe therapy, oncology nutritionists, and the resources necessary to allow them to advocate for their health. We provide spiritual and emotional support to help patients and their families overcome fear and anxiety. Lastly, we plan to overcome cancer with The Believe Big Institute of Health and support the ongoing phases of the Mistletoe Clinical Trial in collaboration with The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
How did you get started? What is your motivation?
After facing, fighting, and overcoming stage IV colon cancer, I wanted to reach out to other patients facing the many challenges I encountered through my cancer journey. After assembling a team of doctors and accumulating extensive research, my husband and I established Believe Big in 2011 to help families bridge the gap between conventional and complementary medicine for treating cancer.
What’s your biggest accomplishment so far?
My most significant gift in what I do is bringing hope to those feeling hopeless in their cancer diagnosis. I have witnessed in the lives of hundreds of patients that Believe Big helps not only quality of life but also quantity of life.
What’s one of the hardest things that you’ve faced with your organization?
One of the biggest challenges we face is to continue to meet the funding needs of our organization. The number of those diagnosed with cancer continues to grow, and thus the need for our help grows. All of our resources are free to patients that contact us, and at times it can be challenging to meet all of the funding needs of our programs. I am grateful that we have been able to help every patient that has reached out to Believe Big due to our faithful donors. Just last year, we impacted over 170,000 individuals.
What are the top tips you’d give to anyone looking to start, run and grow an organization today?
To someone starting, I would advise them to know their why, share stories, and engage with other businesses and organizations for support. Your why will carry you through the difficult days and help you be creative when things are hard. The stories you share of the lives you impact each day build loyalty and inspire others to know their donations or support make a difference. Lastly, engaging with an organization or business five years out from you can help you maximize your efforts and energy.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
In the days ahead, when you are facing seemingly impossible challenges, remember that God can turn your adversity into victory, your obstacles into opportunities, and your problems into possibilities.
Where can people find you and your organization?
If you like what you’ve read here and have your own solopreneur story that you’d like to share then email, we’d love to feature your journey on these pages.
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