Why Cancer Hates Tea: Insights from Believe Big’s Food for Thought Session

In this “Food for Thought” session, Stacey Fritz, a patient advocate for Believe Big, and Paula Weinberg, an oncology nutritionist, delved into the remarkable benefits of tea, particularly in the context of cancer. The session provided an enlightening overview, emphasizing the different types of tea, their unique properties, and how they can support overall health and cancer prevention. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways:

Types of Tea and Their Processing

Paula highlighted that there are only four true types of tea, all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant:

  • White Tea: The least processed, retaining the most antioxidants.
  • Green Tea: Known for its high antioxidant content and numerous health benefits.
  • Oolong Tea: Partially oxidized, offering a balance between green and black tea properties.
  • Black Tea: Fully oxidized, rich in flavor and health benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health.

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is packed with antioxidants and polyphenols that provide various health benefits:

  • Cancer Prevention: Green tea, in particular, is rich in EGCG, a compound known for its anti-cancer properties.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Black tea improves vascular function and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Weight Management: Tea boosts metabolism, inhibits fat formation, and acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

Special Mention: Matcha and Mistletoe Therapy

  • Matcha: This powdered form of green tea is potent, offering higher concentrations of caffeine and antioxidants. However, Paula noted that it can accumulate aluminum, a potential concern for long-term drinkers.
  • Mistletoe Therapy: Though not discussed in detail in this session, mistletoe therapy is another complementary treatment often explored by cancer patients. It’s essential to discuss such therapies with a healthcare provider.

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Making tea is an art that involves the right proportions and temperatures:

  • White Tea: 170-185°F, steep for 1-3 minutes.
  • Green Tea: 175-185°F, steep for 2-3 minutes.
  • Oolong Tea: 185-205°F, steep for 3-5 minutes.
  • Black Tea: Boiling water, steep for 3-5 minutes.

Tea is more than just a comforting beverage. It’s a powerhouse of health benefits, especially for those on a cancer journey. Incorporating a variety of teas into your daily routine can offer diverse health benefits, from boosting metabolism to protecting against cancer. Remember, as Stacey and Paula emphasized, always opt for high-quality, preferably organic, tea leaves to maximize these benefits.


Watch the full episode below:

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7 Soul Care Principles to Transform Your Life

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing? Dive into these seven transformative soul care principles that will revolutionize your perspective and lead you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship with God.

  1. Identity: Building a Firm Foundation
    Discover the power of your beliefs about yourself. Understand how a faulty foundation can lead to cracks in your soul. Learn from personal experiences how shifting your focus from changing others to changing yourself can bring about profound growth.
  2. Repentance: Embracing Good News
    Explore the true meaning of repentance and its role in realigning yourself with God. Understand how repentance is not about condemnation but about restoration and experiencing the refreshing flow of God’s life.
  3. Overcoming Shame: Walking in the Light
    Recognize the difference between shame and unconfessed sin. Learn how shame affects our identity and relationships. Discover the power of vulnerability and authentic community in breaking free from the grip of shame.
  4. Embracing Forgiveness: Unlocking Freedom
    Understand the liberating power of forgiveness, both receiving and extending it. Experience the healing journey of letting go of bitterness and resentment, embracing freedom and wholeness.
  5. Renewing the Mind: Transforming Thoughts
    Explore the connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions. Learn practical steps to identify and challenge negative thought patterns, replacing them with truth and life-giving beliefs.
  6. Living in Surrender: Trusting God’s Plan
    Explore the beauty of surrendering control and trusting in God’s sovereignty. Learn to let go of fear and anxiety, finding peace in surrendering to God’s perfect plan for your life.
  7. Cultivating Gratitude: Nurturing Joy
    Discover the transformative power of gratitude in shifting perspective and cultivating joy. Practice gratitude as a daily discipline, unlocking the abundance of blessings in every moment.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing with these seven soul care principles. Transform your life from the inside out and experience the abundant life God has designed for you.

Start your journey today! 🌟Listen to the full episode below with Dr. Rob Reimer:

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The Truth About Sparkling Water and Health: What Cancer Patients Need to Know

When it comes to staying hydrated, many of us reach for sparkling water. It’s refreshing, often delicious, and can be a fun alternative to plain water. However, recent reports about popular seltzer brands containing high levels of PFAS chemicals have raised significant health concerns.

PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are often referred to as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment and the human body. These substances have been linked to various health issues, including fertility problems, thyroid issues, cancer, and liver damage. They are found in everyday items like waterproof clothing, non-stick cookware, food packaging, and even dental floss.

*Chart from food babe IG 

Despite alarming findings reported in 2021, regulation of PFAS chemicals has been slow. Although the EPA has recently started requiring utility companies to filter out PFAS, these limits are not yet enforced for sparkling water brands.

Environmental advocate and actor Mark Ruffalo has been vocal about the need for stricter regulations, highlighting the industry’s financial motivations for maintaining the status quo. As consumers, it’s crucial to stay informed and choose products that prioritize our health.

For cancer patients, selecting the right sparkling water can be especially important. Here are some brands that have taken significant steps to ensure their products are safe and free from harmful chemicals:

Highlights: Spindrift is a standout for its low PFAS levels (0.19 ppt). Each can lists the real fruit used for flavoring, offering varieties like grapefruit, mango, and the refreshing Nojito flavor (mint and lime). View on amazon.

Highlights: Sound is one of the few brands reporting zero PFAS levels. Their unique flavors, such as lemon with thyme and white tea, and rose with lime and hibiscus tea, offer a delightful change from the norm. View online.

Highlights: With BPA-free cans and ultra-filtered regional water, Waterloo is a favorite. Each can is sold within 500 miles of its source, emphasizing eco-consciousness alongside taste. View on amazon.

Mountain Valley
Highlights: Known for its non-detectable PFAS levels, Mountain Valley rigorously tests and monitors its sources. Their sparkling water is known for its crisp, satisfying carbonation. View on amazon.

Proud Source
Highlights: Proud Source commits to transparency with annual water quality reports and packages their mineral-rich water in recyclable aluminum bottles, which keep water cooler longer. View on amazon.

Highlights: Nixie uses USDA organic ingredients without artificial additives, ensuring pure, flavorful water. Their reverse osmosis filtration effectively removes PFAS chemicals. View on amazon.

San Pellegrino
Highlights: A classic favorite, San Pellegrino maintains low PFAS levels (0.31 ppt). Their Essenza cans offer Mediterranean-inspired flavors that enhance any mocktail. View on amazon.

Aura Bora
Highlights: Filtered through reverse osmosis and free from citric acid, Aura Bora offers unique flavors like mango chili and tangerine blossom in recyclable cans. View on amazon.

DIY Sparkling Water
Highlights: Home sparkling water makers like Sodastream and Ninja Thirsti provide control over water quality and bubble levels. Using charcoal and reverse osmosis filters ensures the cleanest water possible.


Insights from Jess Kelley of the Oncology Nutrition Institute

In a recent podcast episode with Jess Kelley, founder of the Oncology Nutrition Institute, we delved deeper into the importance of hydration for cancer patients. Jess shared invaluable insights on maintaining proper hydration and the critical role it plays in overall health.

Key Takeaways from the Podcast:

Hydration is Crucial: Jess emphasized that water is the “master nutrient,” essential for nearly every biochemical reaction in the body. Proper hydration can significantly impact energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

Signs of Dehydration: Common signs include fatigue, hunger, mood changes, headaches, and constipation. Jess pointed out that even a 2% loss in hydration can impair physical and mental functions.

Water Quality Matters: It’s not just about drinking enough water but also about ensuring its quality. Jess recommended using reliable filtration systems like reverse osmosis to remove contaminants, including PFAS chemicals.

Balancing Hydration Sources: While sparkling water can be a refreshing treat, Jess advised that the majority of your daily water intake should come from non-carbonated sources. This helps ensure optimal hydration and reduces the risk of mild headaches or other issues associated with carbonated beverages.

Electrolyte Balance: For those engaged in intense physical activity or undergoing treatment that affects hydration levels, adding electrolytes can be beneficial. Jess highlighted brands like LMNT and Trace Minerals for their low-sugar, high-quality electrolyte options.

Practical Tips:

  • Start your day with flat water to replenish overnight losses.
  • Use herbal teas or infuse water with natural flavors to make it more appealing.
  • Monitor your hydration status with at-home urine test strips to ensure you’re staying adequately hydrated.

By integrating these insights and choosing the right sparkling water brands, you can support your health and hydration needs effectively. For more detailed information, listen to our full podcast episode with Jess Kelley.


FAQs to Ask Your Oncologist About Diet and Lifestyle Changes

  • What dietary changes can support my treatment and recovery?
  • Are there specific foods or beverages I should avoid?
  • How can I safely integrate complementary therapies, like mistletoe therapy, into my treatment plan?
  • What lifestyle changes can help improve my overall well-being during and after treatment?
  • How can I ensure open communication with my healthcare team about incorporating alternative treatments?

These questions can help you explore all available treatment options and ensure that your approach to care is comprehensive and well-informed. Listen to the podcast below to learn more about water.


Your donations power our podcast’s mission to support cancer patients with hope, insights, and resources. Every contribution fuels our ability to uplift and empower. Join us in making a lasting impact. Donate now! 🌟


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Why Food Matters: The Profound Impact of Nutrition on Our Health

In today’s world, where opinions and advice about what to eat are abundant, it can be challenging to sift through the noise and understand why food truly matters. This post explores the crucial role of nutrition in maintaining our health and well-being, grounded in both scientific research and real-life examples.

The Cellular Symphony
Imagine your body as a bustling city, with trillions of cells working tirelessly. These cells, although diverse in function, share a common need for specific raw materials such as proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. When these cells are deprived of essential nutrients, they falter, leading to issues like fatigue, pain, and inflammation. Short-term nutrient imbalances might go unnoticed, but chronic deficiencies can lead to significant health problems.

The Agouti Mice Experiment
One of the most compelling pieces of evidence highlighting the impact of nutrition on health comes from a study involving agouti mice. These mice, which naturally have a yellow fur coat and are prone to obesity and various diseases, were given a blend of vitamins (folic acid, B12, choline, and betaine) before pregnancy. Astonishingly, their offspring were born with a normal brown coat and were not predisposed to the same health issues, despite having the same genetic makeup. This experiment underscores the power of nutrition in influencing gene expression, a concept known as epigenetics.

A Real-Life Miracle: Dr. Terry Walls
Dr. Terry Walls, a physician diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), provides a human example of the transformative power of food. At 48, she was confined to a wheelchair due to the progression of her disease. Traditional treatments failed her, so she turned to nutrition. By radically changing her diet, she experienced a remarkable recovery, walking unassisted within six months. Today, Dr. Walls leads an active life, illustrating how dietary changes can dramatically improve health outcomes.

Food as Medicine
Every bite of food is either an investment in health or a debt. Our bodies require a range of nutrients to break down food and support vital functions. Processed foods, often stripped of their nutrients, can lead to a paradox where we are calorie-rich but nutrient-poor. This can result in a host of health issues, including poor immune function, pain, inflammation, brain fog, anxiety, and low energy.

The Importance of Whole Foods
Whole foods, which are minimally processed and free from artificial additives, provide the nutrients our bodies need to function optimally. The industrialization of our food supply has increased our exposure to toxins and diminished the nutrient content of our diet. This has stretched our bodies to their limits, contributing to chronic health problems.

The Role of Enzymes and Nutrients
Each step of breaking down our food requires enzymes, which are made of proteins, and numerous nutrients. If the food we eat lacks these nutrients, our bodies deplete their reserves, leading to cellular dysfunction. It’s like taking money out of the bank several times a day without making any deposits—eventually, the account runs dry.

Processed vs. Whole Foods
Processed foods often contain fewer nutrients and more harmful chemicals. These foods can lead to excess calorie intake without providing the necessary nutrients, resulting in nutrient-deficient cells. Consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods ensures our cells receive the raw materials they need to perform their functions effectively.


Practical Steps for Better Nutrition

Food Journals: Keeping a food journal can help track nutrient intake and identify areas for improvement. Apps like Chronometer and MyFitnessPal are useful tools for this purpose.

Whole Foods: Prioritize whole foods over processed ones. This includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

Listening to Your Body: Pay attention to how different foods make you feel. Eliminate or reduce foods that cause adverse reactions and focus on those that nourish you.


The Profound Impact of Food on Health
Our cells are quite literally made of what we eat. This basic and fundamental science has been well known and studied for decades. Health cannot be realized without understanding the role that nutrients play in our cells and bodies. Each meal is an opportunity to either build health or enable disease.

The importance of food cannot be overstated. It is the foundation of our health and well-being. By making informed choices and prioritizing nutrient-dense foods, we can support our bodies in performing their countless functions effectively. Remember, every bite counts—make it an investment in your health.

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Somatic Exercises

Somatic exercises are a type of movement practice that focuses on internal awareness and sensation, rather than external movement or physical appearance. The term “somatic” refers to the body as perceived from within, through first-person perception. Somatic exercises aim to increase body awareness, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation and well-being.


Key Characteristics of Somatic Exercises

Internal focus: Somatic exercises focus on the internal sensations and experiences of the body, rather than external movements or physical appearance.

Slow and gentle: Somatic exercises are typically performed slowly and gently, allowing for a deep exploration of internal sensations and awareness.

Exploratory: Somatic exercises are often exploratory, encouraging the practitioner to tune in to their internal sensations and experiences, rather than following a specific sequence or routine.

Awareness-based: Somatic exercises prioritize awareness of the body’s internal sensations, rather than external goals or outcomes.

Non-invasive: Somatic exercises do not involve force, pressure, or manipulation of the body, but rather encourage gentle, subtle movements and explorations.


  1. Pillow Over the Stomach
    Description: Grab a pillow and place it over your stomach.
    Purpose: This creates a felt sense of safety. The weight and pressure of the pillow can help your body feel more secure and supported.

    How to Do It: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Place the pillow over your stomach. Notice any changes in how you feel. If you don’t notice anything initially, slowly remove the pillow and see if you feel more exposed or vulnerable without it.


  1. Weighted Neck Scarf
    Description: Use a weighted neck scarf to provide pressure on the back of your neck.
    Purpose: The pressure from the scarf can create a sense of safety and support, particularly affecting the brainstem area.

    How to Do It: Drape a weighted scarf around your neck. Adjust it to ensure it is providing gentle, comfortable pressure. Pay attention to any shifts in how you feel, especially any increase in feelings of safety and support.


  1. Eye Support
    Description: Lightly press on your eyes.
    Purpose: Activates the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation and a sense of safety.

    How to Do It: Sit or lie down comfortably. Gently place your hands over your closed eyes and apply light pressure. Hold for a few moments, focusing on the relaxation it brings to your body.


  1. Microdosing Safety
    Description: Create small, frequent moments of safety throughout your day.
    Purpose: Helps reduce overall stress and promotes a sense of security.

    How to Do It: Identify actions or environments that make you feel safe (e.g., sitting in a favorite chair, listening to calming music, being in nature). Integrate these moments into your daily routine, even if just for a few minutes at a time.


  1. Connecting with the Body
    Description: Use your mind to focus on specific areas of your body and notice sensations.
    Purpose: Enhances the mind-body connection and helps you understand what your body needs to feel safe.

    How to Do It: Sit quietly and bring your attention to different parts of your body. For example, focus on your stomach. How does it feel? Is there tension or relaxation? Respond to your body’s needs by adjusting your posture, breathing, or applying light pressure with your hands.


  1. Physical Support
    Description: Use physical objects to provide support and comfort to your body.
    Purpose: Objects like a weighted blanket or a supportive chair can help your body feel more secure.

    How to Do It: Identify objects that bring you comfort and use them regularly. For example, wrap yourself in a weighted blanket while resting or reading. Notice the sense of calm and security these objects provide.

By incorporating these somatic exercises into your daily routine, you can help your body shift out of a trauma state and into a place of safety and support, promoting overall health and well-being. By focusing on internal awareness and sensation, somatic exercises offer a unique approach to movement and exercise that can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase overall well-being.

Listen to the full podcast below:

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Understanding the Biology of Trauma with Dr. Aimie Apigian

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Aimie Apigian, a medical expert in trauma healing, for our latest podcast episode. Dr. Aimie, a double board-certified physician in both preventative and addiction medicine, is renowned for her work in understanding how life experiences get stored in the body. Her approach, known as the biology of trauma, has helped countless individuals accelerate their healing journeys.

The Importance of Quality Sleep
Our conversation kicked off with Dr. Aimie sharing her top health tip: prioritizing quality sleep. “Make sleep a non-negotiable,” she emphasized. Quality sleep is fundamental for various bodily functions, and Dr. Aimie provided three practical tips for improving sleep: taking magnesium at bedtime, using blackout curtains to ensure darkness, and keeping the bedroom cool.

Defining Trauma
One of the key topics we explored was the nature of trauma. Dr. Aimie explained that trauma is not defined by the external event but by the internal response of the body. She illustrated this with examples of how two people can experience the same event but have completely different reactions based on their body’s internal responses. Trauma, she clarified, is the body’s response of overwhelm.

Stored Trauma and Its Impact
Delving deeper, Dr. Aimie discussed how trauma gets stored in the body. When our bodies experience overwhelming events, these responses can become default patterns. This stored trauma can significantly impact our nervous system, leading to chronic issues like fatigue, pain, and even metabolic and immune system dysregulation.

Stress vs. Trauma
A crucial part of our discussion was differentiating between stress and trauma. While stress is a normal response meant to propel us into action and growth, trauma is a state of overwhelm where the body’s response system gets stuck. Recognizing when our bodies are crossing from stress into trauma is vital for maintaining health and wellbeing.

Healing from Stored Trauma
Dr. Aimie introduced us to several effective strategies for releasing and processing stored trauma. One simple yet powerful technique involves using physical objects, like a pillow over the stomach, to create a felt sense of safety. These somatic exercises, which work directly with the body’s tissues, help shift the nervous system out of a trauma state and into a place of safety and support.

The Impact of Trauma on the Immune System
We also learned about the impact of stored trauma on the immune system. Dr. Aimie explained that trauma can lead to immune dysregulation, making the body either overreactive or under reactive. This dysregulation can have serious health consequences, including chronic inflammation and increased oxidative stress, which can hinder the body’s ability to fight diseases like cancer.

Trauma-Informed Approaches
Unlike traditional medical or psychological treatments, trauma-informed approaches focus on resolving the body’s response of overwhelm. Dr. Aimie highlighted the importance of creating a felt sense of safety and support to facilitate healing. She emphasized that healing is not just about talking through events but about changing the body’s physiological response to those events.

Practical Strategies for Healing
Dr. Aimie shared several practical strategies for healing from trauma, including somatic exercises and techniques to create moments of safety throughout the day. She stressed the importance of understanding and responding to the body’s needs, which can improve physical and emotional health.

Our conversation with Dr. Aimie Apigian was enlightening and filled with valuable insights into the biology of trauma and the healing process. Her unique approach and practical tips offer hope and guidance for anyone struggling with the effects of stored trauma.

To dive deeper into Dr. Aimie’s work and learn more about her healing strategies, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode. You won’t want to miss this transformative conversation.

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Navigating Childhood and Adult Cancer with Hope and Healing: An Interview with Dr. Dagmara Beine

Welcome to the Believe Big podcast! In today’s episode, Ivelisse Page speaks with Dr. Dagmara Beine, an expert in integrative medicine and the founder of Zuza’s Way Integrative Care. Dr. Beine shares her insights on supporting children and adults with cancer through integrative therapies based on her personal and professional experiences. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from this conversation.

  1. Dr. Dagmara Beine’s Journey
    Dr. Beine’s journey into integrative medicine began with her daughter, Zuza, who was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at the age of three and a half. Faced with the challenges of conventional treatment and the need for additional supportive care, Dr. Beine sought integrative therapies to aid her daughter’s healing. This personal experience led her to establish Zuza’s Way Integrative Care and write her book, A Parent’s Guide to Childhood Cancer: Supporting Your Child with Integrative Therapies Based on a Metabolic Approach
  2. Creating a Supportive Team
    Dr. Beine emphasizes the importance of building a supportive medical team. As parents, you are your child’s advocate. It’s crucial to find an oncologist who is open-minded and willing to incorporate integrative therapies into the treatment plan. This collaborative approach ensures comprehensive care that addresses not only the tumor but also the overall well-being of the child.
  3. Metabolic Approach to Cancer
    The metabolic approach to cancer focuses on understanding and addressing the underlying causes of cancer, rather than viewing it as mere bad luck. This perspective empowers parents to take proactive steps in their child’s care by incorporating healthy nutrition, reducing toxins, and improving overall metabolic health. Dr. Beine explains that this approach is especially crucial for children undergoing cancer treatment, as it helps make the treatment more effective and less toxic.
  4. Nutritional Strategies
    Nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting a child’s health during cancer treatment. Dr. Beine outlines a step-by-step nutritional plan:
    Foundation Nutrition: Organic, non-GMO foods, quality proteins, full-fat dairies, and healthy fats.
    Level One Nutrition: Eliminate sugar, harmful carbohydrates, and processed foods.
    Level Two Nutrition: Implementing ketosis during treatment to reduce side effects and improve treatment efficacy.
    Meeting families where they are and gradually introducing these changes can significantly impact a child’s health and treatment outcomes.
  1. Detoxification
    Detoxification is essential for children undergoing cancer treatment to help their bodies eliminate toxins accumulated from chemotherapy, radiation, and other medications. Simple and effective detox methods include:
    Sweating: Using a sauna to help eliminate water-soluble toxins.
    Castor Oil Packs: Applying them to the lower belly.
    Dry Brushing and Jumping on a Trampoline: Stimulating the lymphatic system.
  1. Emotional and Mental Health Support
    The emotional and mental well-being of both the child and the family is crucial during cancer treatment. Dr. Beine highlights the importance of addressing these needs through:
    Family Therapy: Engaging in activities that promote emotional bonding and stress relief, such as dancing, hiking, and forest bathing.
    Spiritual Support: Seeking guidance from spiritual directors to process emotions and find peace.

Ivelisse Page also mentions resources like Healing Strong and Soul Shepherding, which offer support groups and spiritual direction to help families navigate this challenging journey.

Dr. Dagmara Beine’s integrative approach to childhood cancer provides hope and comprehensive care for families facing this difficult journey. By focusing on nutrition, detoxification, emotional support, and building a supportive medical team, parents can empower themselves to make informed decisions and support their child’s healing process.

Listen to the full podcast episode here:

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Navigating Menopause: The Critical Role of Good Fats in Hormonal Health

Menopause is a significant transition in a woman’s life, often marked by various symptoms that can affect overall well-being. Hormones play a vital role during this phase, and the ability of these hormones to function properly is heavily influenced by dietary fats. This blog explores the difference between good and bad fats and how they impact hormone receptor sites during menopause.

Understanding Hormone Function and Fat:
During menopause, the body’s hormone production changes, which can lead to various symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep disturbances. Hormones need to bind to specific receptor sites in cells to function effectively. However, these receptor sites can become blocked by toxins and unhealthy fats, exacerbating menopausal symptoms. 

The Good Fats:
Incorporating healthy fats into your diet is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance. Here are some of the best fats for menopausal health:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocado oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Grass-fed butter
  • Raw nuts and nut butters
  • Ghee

These fats not only help in keeping hormone receptor sites clear but also support overall health by improving cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation, and providing essential fatty acids.

Fats to Avoid:
Certain fats can hinder hormonal function and worsen menopausal symptoms. It’s best to limit or avoid the following:

  • Canola oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Partially hydrogenated oils
  • Soybean oil
  • Margarines
  • Corn oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Sunflower oil

Incorporating Healthy Fats into Your Diet:
Switching to healthy fats can be easier than you think. Consider using olive oil for cooking, adding avocado to your salads, or snacking on a handful of raw nuts. These small changes can make a significant impact on how you experience menopause.

Understanding and adjusting your fat intake can be a powerful way to mitigate menopausal symptoms and enhance your hormonal health. Start by identifying and replacing bad fats in your diet with healthier alternatives to provide your body with the support it needs during this pivotal time.

Recommended read and source:

The Menopause Reset: Get Rid of Your Symptoms and Feel Like Your Younger Self Again
by Dr. Mindy Pelz


Learn more on the Believe Big Podcast, Episode #75 with Dr. Nasha Winters, Diving Deep into Hormone Replacement Therapy

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Jackie’s Journey Through Skin Cancer: A Testament to Proactive Skin Health

At Believe Big, we are committed to empowering individuals by sharing inspiring stories of resilience and recovery. Today, we recount the journey of Jackie, who transformed a seemingly minor skin issue into a catalyst for advocating skin health and early cancer detection.

In late October 2023, Jackie noticed a small, red spot on her right cheek. Though easy to overlook, her instinct urged her to seek medical advice—a decision that would become a turning point. A biopsy on March 14, 2024, revealed the spot to be basal-cell carcinoma, a common yet aggressive form of skin cancer if not addressed promptly.

By April 30, 2024, Jackie had undergone Mohs surgery, a precise technique that targets and removes skin cancer layer by layer, ensuring complete removal of cancer cells in one session.

Prioritizing Skin Health
Jackie’s experience has made her an advocate for prioritizing skin health, recognizing our skin as the largest organ and a vital protective barrier. She has integrated EWG-certified sunscreen into her daily routine and adopted protective clothing, including wide-brimmed hats and UV-blocking shirts, to shield herself from harmful UV rays. These steps, along with regular dermatological check-ups and prompt attention to new skin changes, are now integral to her lifestyle.

The Crucial Balance of Sun Exposure and Protection
Jackie’s story also illuminates the dual nature of sunlight—both beneficial and potentially harmful. Sunlight is a crucial source of Vitamin D, essential for bone health, immune function, and mood. However, balancing exposure to gain these benefits while avoiding risks requires careful consideration.

To safely enjoy the sun, experts advise limiting direct exposure during peak UV hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., suggesting that about 10-15 minutes of sun exposure several times a week can suffice for adequate Vitamin D production. This varies by skin type, geographic location, and season. Additionally, selecting sunscreens that have passed EWG’s rigorous safety and efficacy assessments can provide effective protection without compromising health. Learn more about EWG-verified sunscreens.

Embracing a Holistic Approach to Skin Health
Jackie’s proactive steps underscore the essence of what we at Believe Big stand for—empowering individuals to take charge of their health. By integrating comprehensive skin care practices and making informed choices, Jackie exemplifies the proactive spirit necessary to navigate health challenges effectively.

Her journey through skin cancer is a powerful reminder of the importance of early intervention and the benefits of integrating both conventional and complementary health practices. This holistic approach can enhance quality of life and provide a defense against health challenges.

At Believe Big, we continue to support individuals by providing valuable information and encouraging proactive health management. Jackie’s story is just one of many that inspire and remind us of the power of informed, proactive health decisions in achieving and maintaining optimal health.

Your donations power our podcast’s mission to support cancer patients with hope, insights, and resources. Every contribution fuels our ability to uplift and empower. Join us in making a lasting impact. Donate now! 🌟

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Decoding Hormone Replacement Therapy with Dr. Nasha Winters

In this episode of the Believe Big Podcast, host Ivelisse Page sits down with Dr. Nasha Winters, a leading expert in integrative cancer care and hormone therapy. Dr. Winters delves into the subject of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), providing insights into its benefits, dangers, and the role of personal health management in navigating its complexities.

The Historical Context of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Dr. Winters begins by tracing the origins of hormone use in medical treatment, which dates back to the 1930s. This historical perspective is crucial for understanding how hormones have been integrated into health practices over the decades. She discusses the initial use of hormones to support pregnancy and their later incorporation into livestock production and contraceptives, highlighting the impact of these practices on health and environment.

The Controversial Nature of HRT
Hormone replacement therapy is not without its controversies and risks. Dr. Winters speaks candidly about the dual nature of HRT, describing it as both a potential miracle and a source of risks. From increasing the quality of life to raising the risk of various cancers, the implications of HRT are vast and require careful consideration and management.

Personal Journeys and Integrative Approaches
Reflecting on her 27-year personal cancer journey, Dr. Winters shares how it has shaped her approach to medicine. Her mission is to support others by integrating the best standard care with advanced integrative therapies. This approach is about to be embodied in a new comprehensive metabolic oncology hospital and research institute she is helping to establish in the United States.

Natural Alternatives and Lifestyle Adjustments
A significant portion of the discussion is dedicated to natural ways to manage hormonal health, particularly during menopause. Dr. Winters emphasizes the importance of lifestyle adjustments over medication. She suggests simple, accessible methods like meeting the sunrise to help set the body’s hormonal balance correctly from the start of the day.

The Risks and What to Consider
Dr. Winters does not shy away from discussing the potential dangers associated with HRT, including its link to increased cancer risks and its impact on metabolic health. She encourages listeners to consider these factors critically, advocating for a terrain-based approach to health that considers individual genetics and overall health conditions.

Empowering Choices in Women’s Health
Dr. Nasha Winters’ participation in the Believe Big Podcast offers a treasure trove of information and advice for anyone considering or currently using hormone replacement therapy. Her expert insights into the risks, history, and natural management strategies provide listeners with the tools they need to make informed health decisions.

This episode not only clarifies the complex nature of HRT but also underscores the importance of a personalized approach to health and wellness, particularly in the realm of women’s health and integrative cancer care.

Listen to the full episode here:

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