Donor Spotlight – Meet Willie & Jeff Barrett

I was invited to the very first dinner when Believe Big was launched, and that’s when I heard Ivelisse’s remarkable, hope-filled story. I was blown away by her testimony about her journey to becoming cancer-free.
After hearing that inspiring story, it was so easy to volunteer at the Believe Big offices and to donate financially to this cause I wholeheartedly believe in. Believe Big respects the mind, body, and spirit connection and offers their incredible guidance and assistance to anyone on the cancer journey. I know this firsthand, as they helped me when they provided useful information, direction, and emotional and spiritual support as I walked with both my husband and niece on their cancer journeys. Believe Big helps so many of us who have seen our loved ones suffer through cancer. Their tireless efforts to assist others facing this ugly, hideous disease are successful largely due to their supporters’ financial contributions.
I ask each of you to come alongside Believe Big by giving any amount you can, so the word of its mission can spread and more people can receive help.
Cancer is a journey none of us volunteer to take, but each of us has been affected by it in one way or another. Partnering with Believe Big is an excellent and rewarding way to help cancer patients and their families. The resources and support Believe Big offers are free to patients, but we need to provide the finances so the good work Believe Big does will continue and increase. I hope I never, ever hear the diagnosis that I have cancer, but if I do, I know that my first call will be to Believe Big. Willie (Lieberman) Barrett Believe Big Supporter
Everyone knows someone with cancer. I encourage you to get involved with Believe Big today! Your support will help so many thrive in the face of cancer!