Stay Safe this Summer While in the Sun! Fight Cancer

Stay Safe this Summer While in the Sun!
Quick Tips About Sun Protection.
When you’re outside this summer remember to protect your skin from harmful UV-A and UV-B sun-rays. To reduce the harmful effects wear clothes to shield your skin, find or make shade (go inside, bring an umbrella, or put on a hat), plan to go inside during the peak sun hours, check the UV index each day, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and wear sunscreen to protect any exposed skin!
There are many sunscreen products available, however not all are created equal! We recommend using the Environmental Working Group’s website ( to research the best products or to find out how YOUR favorite sunscreen rates.
One of our favorite sunscreen products here at Believe Big is Coola.  Coola has a low EWG rating of 1-3!
When choosing which SPF sunscreen to use be mindful that anything above SPF50 offers only marginally better sun protection. Some companies will try to boost the price without significantly boosting the effective skin protection. And of course make sure the product you use protects against UV-A and UV-B rays!
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