Are Toxic Chemicals Hiding in Your Products? Check yours today!

Did you know that there are over 80,000 chemicals used today?  Did you know that with 13,000 chemicals used in cosmetics, that only 10% have been evaluated for safety? The FDA does not regulate the cosmetic industry and allows certain amount of toxins in items.  Our bodies were made to detox from chemicals, but with the overload of chemicals our bodies are being overloaded.
We absorb 60% of what we put on our skin!  Children absorb 40-50% more than adults!
There is an organization called the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.orgthat has tested hundreds of thousands of products and will give you a listing of it’s toxic levels. Try and enter the products you are currently using to discover how “safe” they really are. You may be surprised.
This is important for anyone who is wanting to prevent cancer and even more so for someone who is battling cancer. Your body is working hard to heal and relieving the toxic load is important.
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