Blocking Cancer Pathways with Off-Label Drugs – Jane McLelland

A cancer diagnosis is frightening. A terminal diagnosis can be absolutely paralyzing. But when Jane McLelland was diagnosed with a second aggressive cancer in 1999, classified as terminal, she did not freeze. Instead she dove headfirst into medical research because she knew she had nothing to lose.
Fast forward to 2021 and find out how Jane is trying to turn the world of oncology on its ear. She’s not only overcome her diagnoses, but she is thriving and sharing her knowledge that she knows first hand has had a strong, positive impact on her health.
This episode will educate, inspire and encourage anyone who may be on a cancer journey today. Join me as Jane shares about repurposed/off-label drugs, her Metro Map protocol, the effects of “starving cancer” and so much more!
Connect with Jane on her website:
Suggested Resource Links:
- BOOK: How To Starve Cancer
- LINK: PubMed
- Warburg Effect (National Library of Medicine, PubMed)
- Glossary of terms Jane references and more
- LINK: Metro Map Protocol (podcast)
- International Doctors familiar with Jane’s Metro Map Protocol
Listen to the full podcast episode today!