Why Cancer Hates Tea: Insights from Believe Big’s Food for Thought Session

In this “Food for Thought” session, Stacey Fritz, a patient advocate for Believe Big, and Paula Weinberg, an oncology nutritionist, delved into the remarkable benefits of tea, particularly in the context of cancer. The session provided an enlightening overview, emphasizing the different types of tea, their unique properties, and how they can support overall health and cancer prevention. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways:

Types of Tea and Their Processing

Paula highlighted that there are only four true types of tea, all derived from the Camellia sinensis plant:

  • White Tea: The least processed, retaining the most antioxidants.
  • Green Tea: Known for its high antioxidant content and numerous health benefits.
  • Oolong Tea: Partially oxidized, offering a balance between green and black tea properties.
  • Black Tea: Fully oxidized, rich in flavor and health benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health.

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea is packed with antioxidants and polyphenols that provide various health benefits:

  • Cancer Prevention: Green tea, in particular, is rich in EGCG, a compound known for its anti-cancer properties.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Black tea improves vascular function and reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Weight Management: Tea boosts metabolism, inhibits fat formation, and acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

Special Mention: Matcha and Mistletoe Therapy

  • Matcha: This powdered form of green tea is potent, offering higher concentrations of caffeine and antioxidants. However, Paula noted that it can accumulate aluminum, a potential concern for long-term drinkers.
  • Mistletoe Therapy: Though not discussed in detail in this session, mistletoe therapy is another complementary treatment often explored by cancer patients. It’s essential to discuss such therapies with a healthcare provider.

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Tea

Making tea is an art that involves the right proportions and temperatures:

  • White Tea: 170-185°F, steep for 1-3 minutes.
  • Green Tea: 175-185°F, steep for 2-3 minutes.
  • Oolong Tea: 185-205°F, steep for 3-5 minutes.
  • Black Tea: Boiling water, steep for 3-5 minutes.

Tea is more than just a comforting beverage. It’s a powerhouse of health benefits, especially for those on a cancer journey. Incorporating a variety of teas into your daily routine can offer diverse health benefits, from boosting metabolism to protecting against cancer. Remember, as Stacey and Paula emphasized, always opt for high-quality, preferably organic, tea leaves to maximize these benefits.


Watch the full episode below:

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Embracing Renewal: Navigating Your Cancer Journey with Bio-Individuality

Renewal in March brings with it a sense of rejuvenation, a stirring of hope and new beginnings.

For those on the journey of healing from cancer, overcoming it, or aiming to prevent it, this season can symbolize not just the changing of weather, but the transformation within us. As we navigate this path, one concept that resonates deeply is bio-individuality.

Bio-individuality, in its essence, recognizes that each of us is uniquely different, not just in our physical makeup, but in how our bodies respond to various stimuli, including nutrition. This concept challenges the notion of one-size-fits-all dietary advice and emphasizes the importance of tailoring our approach to nutrition based on our individual needs and experiences.

In our quest for optimal health, we often encounter conflicting information. One source may advocate for a high-fat diet, while another insists on cutting out fats entirely. Carbohydrates might be demonized in one camp while celebrated in another. Artificial sweeteners could be hailed as a savior by some, while others warn of their detrimental effects.

Amidst this sea of contradictions, how do we discern what’s truly beneficial for us on our cancer healing journey? Here’s where bio-individuality steps in as our guiding light.

Let’s delve into some practical tips for embracing bio-individual nutrition:

Prioritize Plant-Based Foods: Vegetables, especially dark, leafy greens, offer a plethora of nutrients crucial for supporting our bodies during cancer treatment and beyond. Experiment with both raw and cooked veggies to find what suits your digestion best. Whether it’s adding a side of sautĂ©ed spinach to your meal or enjoying a colorful array of roasted vegetables bursting with flavor, incorporating more plant-based options into your diet can have profound benefits.  (eat from the wild side food for thought nutrition webinar)

Mind Your Sugar Intake: Refined sugars, abundant in processed foods, can wreak havoc on our health, contributing to inflammation and metabolic imbalances. While some may tolerate natural sugars found in fruits better than others, it’s essential to be mindful of your sugar consumption. Experiment with eliminating certain sources of sugar from your diet and observe how your body responds. This self-awareness empowers you to make informed choices aligned with your bio-individual needs. (believe big podcast episode on sugar)

Choose Healthy Fats: Not all fats are created equal. Opt for sources of healthy fats like nuts, seeds, avocado, and fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fats support brain health, cardiovascular function, and overall well-being. Be discerning in your fat choices, avoiding trans fats found in processed foods and moderating intake of saturated fats. Listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals to determine the optimal balance of fats for your unique physiology. (believe big podcast episode about The Benefits of an Anti-Inflammatory Diet)

As we embrace the concept of bio-individuality, we reclaim agency over our health journey. By honoring our individuality and listening to the subtle cues of our bodies, we can cultivate a nourishing relationship with food that supports our healing and vitality.

In this season of renewal, let us embrace the inherent wisdom of our bodies and journey towards optimal health, one personalized step at a time.

Education and support are invaluable resources.
To delve deeper into topics related to cancer healing and personalized nutrition, consider tuning in to the Believe Big podcast. Featuring insightful conversations and expert guests, the podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to empower you on your wellness journey.

Additionally, for those seeking practical guidance and evidence-based insights, don’t miss out on our Food for Thought Nutrition webinars. These free webinars provide valuable information and actionable strategies to optimize your nutrition and support your overall health and well-being. Register now to secure your spot and take the next step towards a healthier, more vibrant you.


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Demystifying Bone Broth: A Nutrient-Packed Elixir for Wellness

Bone broth has surged in popularity in recent years, touted for its numerous health benefits and rich flavor. But what exactly is bone broth, and how can you incorporate it into your diet? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of bone broth, from its humble beginnings to its modern-day resurgence as a superfood staple.

The Basics of Bone Broth
At its core, bone broth is a savory liquid made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue for an extended period, typically 6-12 hours or more. This slow cooking process extracts valuable nutrients, including collagen, gelatin, amino acids, and minerals, resulting in a nourishing elixir known for its gut-healing, joint-supporting, and immune-boosting properties. Ingredients Matter: Quality Counts When making bone broth, the quality of ingredients matters. Opt for bones from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals whenever possible. These sources tend to yield broth with higher nutrient content and superior flavor. Additionally, organic vegetables can enhance the nutritional profile of your broth. While peeling isn’t necessary, thorough washing is crucial to remove any dirt or debris. Whole vegetables, such as carrots, onions, and turnips, are preferred, as they retain more nutrients during cooking compared to their pre-cut counterparts.

The Art of Simmering
Simmering is a critical step in the bone broth-making process. After bringing the broth to a gentle boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and skim off any impurities that rise to the surface. This ensures a clear, flavorful broth without compromising its nutritional integrity. Flavor Enhancers and Seasonings Experimenting with different herbs, spices, and vegetables can elevate the flavor profile of your bone broth. While classics like garlic, shallots, and leeks add depth, it’s essential to avoid sulfur-rich vegetables during the initial cooking stages, as they can impart an unpleasant taste and aroma to the broth. Save these ingredients for later additions, such as when enjoying the broth as a meal or adding them to dishes.

Making Bone Broth:
A Labor of Love Making bone broth is a labor of love that requires time and patience. Whether you choose to simmer it on the stovetop, in a pressure cooker, or a slow cooker, the key is allowing ample time for the flavors to meld and the nutrients to extract fully.

A recipe we will share here, is for Magic Mineral Broth, a nutrient-rich alternative to meat-based broths created by chef Rebecca Katz. Packed with essential minerals and crafted from organic vegetables and herbs, it’s a delicious addition to any diet, offering versatility and nourishment in every sip.


The Hacks:
Store-Bought Options For those who prefer convenience without sacrificing quality, several reputable brands offer ready-made bone broth options. Look for products made from high-quality ingredients, preferably from grass-fed sources and free from additives or preservatives. While store-bought broth may not rival homemade in terms of flavor or nutrient content, it still provides a convenient way to enjoy the benefits of bone broth when time is of the essence.

Embracing the Benefits of Bone Broth In conclusion, bone broth is more than just a culinary trend; it’s a time-honored tradition with a host of health benefits. Whether you choose to make it from scratch or opt for a store-bought version, incorporating bone broth into your diet can be a delicious and nutritious way to support overall wellness. So next time you’re craving a comforting bowl of soup or looking to add depth to your favorite recipes, consider reaching for a nourishing cup of bone broth. Your body will thank you for it!



updated with herbs & spices for The Longevity Kitchen


Makes 6 quarts

1 fennel bulb, plus tops
2 unpeeled yellow onions, cut into quarters
6 unpeeled carrots, cut into thirds
1 leek, white and green parts, cut into thirds
1 bunch celery, including the heart, cut into thirds
2 unpeeled sweet potatoes, washed and cut into chunks
1 garnet yam, washed and cut into chunks
1 large bunch fresh, flat-leaf parsley
6 sprigs fresh thyme
12 large cloves unpeeled garlic, cloves smashed
3 inches unpeeled ginger, cut in half, lengthwise
1 8-inch strip of kombu
12 black peppercorns
4 juniper berries or allspice berries
2 bay leaves
8 quarts cold, filtered water
1 teaspoon sea salt


Rinse all the vegetables well, including the kombu. In a 12-quart or larger stock pot, combine the onions, carrots, leek, celery, sweet potatoes, parsley, thyme, garlic, ginger, kombu, peppercorns, juniper berries, and bay leaves. Fill the pot with 8 quarts of water, cover and bring to a boil.

Remove the lid, decrease the heat to low and simmer,
uncovered, for 2 to 4 hours. As the broth simmers, some of the water will evaporate; add more if the vegetables begin to peek out. Simmer until the full richness of the vegetables can be tasted.

Strain the broth through a large, course-mesh sieve (remember to use a heat-resistant container underneath), then add salt to taste. Let cool to room temperature before refrigerating or freezing.

Variation: For an extra immune boost, add 8 shitake mushrooms to the stock and/or a six inch piece of Burdock root, washed and cut into quarters.


Store refrigerated in an airtight container for 5 to 7 days or in the freezer for 4 months.

Balancing the broth: A spritz of lemon juice and some sea salt, about 1/8 teaspoon of each per cup, does a lot to bring this broth to life.

Like fine wine, this broth gets better with age. A longer simmer will increase the broth’s taste and nutrient density. You can also cut the recipe in half and make it in a slow cooker.


Recipe Source: https://thechalkboardmag.com/the-healing-kitchen-magic-mineral-broth

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Breathing for Life: The Oxygen Mask Principle and a Revolutionary Product

Losing a loved one, especially someone as passionate as a pilot, can profoundly shape one’s perspective on life. In this recent Food for Thought Nutrition Webinar, Stacy Fritz shared personal insights inspired by her brother’s journey as a Southwest pilot and his battle with illness.

The focus of this webinar is on the Oxygen Mask Principle and the importance of self-care, leading to the development of a unique product. Watch the webinar below.


The Oxygen Mask Principle:

  • Self-care as a Priority: The speaker emphasized that self-care is not selfish but a priority. Without taking care of ourselves, we cannot effectively support others.
  • Cancer Journey Analogy: Drawing parallels to the oxygen mask on a plane, the speaker highlighted the importance of temporarily tapping out of the chaos of a cancer journey to rejuvenate.


The Importance of Self-Care During a Cancer Journey:

  • Overwhelm and Information Bombardment: Acknowledging the overwhelming nature of a cancer diagnosis, the speaker stressed the need for both patients and caregivers to don their own oxygen masks, finding moments of balance.
  • Wine Breath Relaxation Technique: Introducing a practical relaxation technique, the speaker encouraged taking a break, using the “wine breath” for rejuvenation.


The Journey of Healing Through Breath:

Healing Without Reliance on Painkillers: The speaker shared her brother’s determination to heal without heavy reliance on painkillers, driven by his passion for flying. The Challenge of Teaching Breath Techniques: Describing the difficulty of teaching breath techniques to a stressed individual, especially one not accustomed to such practices.


The Birth of a Revolutionary Product:

  • A Dream-Inspired Solution: Before her brother’s passing, the speaker had a dream that led to a revolutionary idea for a product that would teach breath techniques with visual and kinesthetic cues.
  • Introducing the VitaBall: The product, called the VitaBall, is a handheld device designed to aid in breath techniques. It features five different breath techniques, each represented by a color, and utilizes light and vibration for a more immersive experience.


The VitaBall:

  • A Tribute to Love and Breath: Unique Features: The VitaBall, set to launch in January 2024, offers a tactile and visual experience. The user-friendly device includes buttons for various breath techniques, accompanied by vibrant lights and vibrations.
  • Giving Back: A portion of the proceeds from the VitaBall’s sale will go to Believe Big, tying the product back to a cause and honoring the speaker’s brother.


This webinar not only touched on the importance of self-care and the Oxygen Mask Principle but also unveiled an innovative product, the VitaBall. Inspired by Stacy Fritz’s deep love for her brother and a commitment to breath-based healing, the speaker invites viewers to explore a new way to nurture their well-being.



🌟 Your Donations Make a Difference! 🙏

Your generosity is the heartbeat of our podcast, allowing us to extend our reach to cancer patients who need it most. With your support, we can provide valuable insights, stories of hope, and crucial resources to those battling cancer.

Every contribution, no matter the size, fuels our mission to uplift, educate, and empower. Your donations ensure that we can continue to create content that touches lives, offers guidance, and brings comfort to individuals and families facing the challenges of cancer.

Together, we are a beacon of support and a source of strength. Thank you for being a vital part of our podcast community. đź’Ş

Donate today and help us make a lasting impact! đź’•


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Brewing Wellness – Coffee

This Food for Thought webinar delves into the captivating world of coffee, exploring its multifaceted nature, from the trade dynamics between Arabica and Robusta to the intricate flavors shaped by various growing conditions. Discovering the surprising richness of coffee composition, including its myriad bioactive compounds, and gain insights into the meticulous journey of the coffee bean from cherry to cup.

The discussion also touches upon coffee’s intriguing history, from being classified as a potential carcinogen to its current recognition for potential health benefits. Caffeine, a central player in the coffee experience, is examined for both its bitter profile and its array of health-promoting properties. Overall, the webinar paints a vivid picture of the cultural, historical, and scientific tapestry that encompasses the world’s favorite brew.



Coffee, a ubiquitous part of many people’s lives, has a rich and complex story to tell. Beyond its stimulating effects, it harbors a world of flavors, processes, and health considerations. Let’s embark on a journey through the intricate layers of the coffee universe.

  1. The Trade Game: Arabica vs. Robusta
    • With over 100 coffee plant species, the global trade primarily revolves around just two: Arabica and Robusta, each contributing distinct flavors and characteristics.
    • Leading the charge in the coffee trade is none other than Brazil, with its rich coffee-growing heritage making it the top player in the international market.
  2. The Flavor Chronicles: Growing Conditions and Taste
    • The taste of coffee is influenced by various factors such as soil quality, sunlight exposure, and cultivation methods, each contributing to the nuanced flavors that tantalize our taste buds.
  3. Delving into the Coffee Composition
    • Coffee isn’t just about caffeine; it boasts a rich profile comprising lipids, vitamins, minerals, and even a surprising element – fiber, albeit in trace amounts.
    • With over a thousand studied and identified compounds, coffee houses a treasure trove of bioactives with intriguing names such as quinine, tafistal, chlorogenic acids, and trigel melanoids, all contributing to its health-boosting properties.
  4. The Coffee Journey: From Cherry to Cup
    • Starting as a humble coffee cherry, the transformation of coffee involves a meticulous process, from harvesting to roasting, bringing forth the beloved roasted beans that fill our cups.
  5. Coffee’s Checkered History: From Carcinogen to Beneficial Brew
    • Once classified as a potential carcinogen, coffee’s status has evolved over the years, with recent studies highlighting its potential role in reducing the risk of certain cancers, shedding light on its more positive health aspects.
  6. Unraveling Caffeine’s Story
    • Beyond providing the characteristic bitterness, caffeine offers a spectrum of health benefits, including protection for cell membranes, anti-cancer properties, and anti-inflammatory effects. However, it demands caution, particularly for specific groups such as pregnant women and children.
  7. The Coffee Symphony: A Blend of Cultures and Centuries
    • With every sip, we partake in a journey that transcends borders, cultures, and time, uniting communities and igniting conversations, all over a single cup of coffee.

From the lands where the coffee plants thrive to the intricate processes that unveil their rich flavors, coffee serves as not just a beverage but a testament to human ingenuity and the wonders of the natural world. So the next time you savor your cup of coffee, remember the tapestry of stories that make each sip a delightful experience, steeped in history and brimming with flavors.

Three tips to help create a more manageable and meaningful Thanksgiving celebration fostering an environment of support and gratitude.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a top priority in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Ensure you get enough rest, eat nourishing meals, and engage in gentle exercises that promote well-being. Listening to your body and taking breaks when needed can help conserve energy for the Thanksgiving festivities.
  2. Plan Ahead: Consider planning the Thanksgiving celebration well in advance. Coordinate with friends and family to delegate tasks and responsibilities, allowing you to conserve your energy and focus on enjoying the day. Prepare a simplified menu, or consider a potluck-style gathering to share the load and foster a sense of togetherness.
  3. Embrace Gratitude: Take time to reflect on the blessings in your life, no matter how challenging the circumstances may seem. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by keeping a journal or sharing moments of thankfulness with loved ones. Embracing gratitude can uplift the spirit and bring a sense of peace and joy, fostering a meaningful Thanksgiving experience despite the hardships.

To learn more about navigating the holidays, join us for our food for thought nutrition webinar on Dec, 6th. Register here:


🌟 Your Donations Make a Difference! 🙏

Your generosity is the heartbeat of our podcast, allowing us to extend our reach to cancer patients who need it most. With your support, we can provide valuable insights, stories of hope, and crucial resources to those battling cancer.

Every contribution, no matter the size, fuels our mission to uplift, educate, and empower. Your donations ensure that we can continue to create content that touches lives, offers guidance, and brings comfort to individuals and families facing the challenges of cancer.

Together, we are a beacon of support and a source of strength. Thank you for being a vital part of our podcast community. đź’Ş

Donate today and help us make a lasting impact! đź’•

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Cancer Hates Tea

Harnessing the power of nature through tea.

Stacy Fritz, Believe Big Patient Advocate + Paula Weinberg, JD, CNS, LDN, ONC

Tea has several health benefits, including preventing cancer, improving vascular function, reducing cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis, aiding healthy weight management, boosting metabolic rate, inhibiting fat formation, suppressing appetite, and providing benefits before exercising. Cancer cells do not know when to die, while healthy cells do, and tea supports cell death in cancer cells. There are technically only four types of tea, all from the same camellia sinensis plant: white, green, oolong, and black tea.
They differ in processing methods, and black tea is made from fully oxidized crushed tea leaves, resulting in a rich, dark flavor. Poo Air tea is fully oxidized and aged, with an earthy flavor that is not for everyone. Green tea is particularly beneficial for preventing cancer, and its benefits are demonstrated in detail in the book “Cancer Hates Tea.”
Thank you for registering to join us for our nutrition webinar, Food for Thought. Please enjoy below the replay to watch and share with your friends and family. We have also added this to the Food for Thought landing page on our website with the resources below. Have a blessed week!


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Top Anti-Cancer Foods and Essential Oils with Anti-Cancer Agents

Cancer is a disease that is becoming increasingly common in today’s society, with many individuals experiencing its devastating effects. In this blog we will go over a handful of the top anti-cancer foods and essential oils that have anti-cancer agents.

Believe Big knows that while there is no one-size-fits-all solution to cancer prevention, a balanced diet filled with nutritious foods can be an essential tool in reducing the risk of developing cancer and to help in healing cancer.

In this blog, we will explore some foods that have been shown to help fight cancer. First and foremost, fruits and vegetables are essential for cancer prevention. These foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help to protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of cancer. Some examples of antioxidant-rich foods include berries, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and citrus fruits. Berries are a great source of anthocyanins, which have been shown to reduce the growth of cancer cells. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are high in carotenoids and vitamin C, which are powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from damage. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain compounds called glucosinolates, which have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and flavonoids, which help to protect cells from oxidative stress.

Another group of foods that has been shown to help fight cancer is whole grains. Whole grains contain fiber, which helps to regulate digestion and prevent constipation, which has been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. In addition, whole grains contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to protect cells from damage. Some examples of whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal.

Fatty fish is another food that can help fight cancer. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. Chronic inflammation has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, so consuming foods that reduce inflammation can help reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, fatty fish is a great source of vitamin D, which has also been shown to have anti-cancer effects.

Finally, nuts and seeds are a great addition to any cancer-fighting diet. Nuts and seeds are rich in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which help to regulate digestion and keep the body healthy. Some examples of nuts and seeds that are especially high in anti-cancer compounds include flaxseeds, chia seeds, almonds, and walnuts. In conclusion, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish, and nuts and seeds can help to reduce the risk of cancer. These foods are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation. While no single food can prevent cancer, incorporating these foods into a balanced diet can help to support overall health and reduce the risk of cancer.

In conclusion, There are several essential oils that contain anti-cancer agents and have been shown to provide numerous benefits. For example, frankincense oil has been found to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, particularly in breast and bladder cancers. Additionally, tea tree oil has been found to have anti-cancer properties, particularly in skin cancer. Other essential oils such as lavender, lemon, and peppermint have also been studied for their anti-cancer properties, with results suggesting that they may be effective in preventing the growth and spread of certain types of cancer cells. However, it is important to note that while essential oils may have potential benefits for cancer prevention and treatment, they should not be used as a replacement for conventional medical treatment.

Be sure to check out our monthly nutrition webinars. We have a library of replay videos located here. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, please visit our patient video series for additional information on your journey to healing.


This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA


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Improving Gut Health: Small Dietary Changes Can Make a Big Impact

Believe Big’s latest podcast episode features Dawn Swann, a certified integrative health coach, who discusses the importance of gut health in preventing cancer. Swann shares her personal journey of healing her gut and provides tips on making simple changes in diet to improve overall health. The podcast highlights how the key to optimal health is a process of continual learning and small steps.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the conversation:

  1. Dark chocolate can be beneficial for emotional health, as long as it’s low in sugar and made with a clean sweetener like coconut sugar or coconut oil. Nuts with a higher fat content, like walnuts and macadamia nuts, can also help with emotional health.
  2. Many people have misconceptions about what it means to eat healthy. It’s important to educate ourselves about the hidden sugars and other additives in processed foods and supplements.
  3. Having an integrative practitioner or health coach can be helpful in figuring out what foods are best for your individual body chemistry.
  4. It’s important to be aware of the glycemic index of fruits and to pair them with other foods appropriately.
  5. Eliminating or reducing starch and sugar in your diet can help prevent health issues like insulin resistance, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Listen to the full episode here:

According to Swann, over 70% of our immune system is found in our gut, making gut health crucial for our overall well-being. The food we consume has a direct impact on our gut health, and a poor diet can lead to various health problems. She suggests that one should change their attitude towards food and focus on feeling better rather than just counting calories.

Swann recommends making small changes in the diet that will have a significant impact on gut health. One way to achieve this is by focusing on whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as they are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. Another way to improve gut health is by reducing the intake of processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats. These foods are known to cause inflammation in the gut, leading to various health problems, including cancer. Swann recommends replacing processed foods with nutrient-dense options such as nuts, seeds, and lean protein.

In addition to dietary changes, Swann suggests that we should focus on improving our sleep patterns. Good sleep is essential for the body to heal and repair itself, and lack of sleep can lead to various health problems, including a weakened immune system. Swann recommends practicing good sleep hygiene, such as avoiding electronic devices before bedtime, keeping a regular sleep schedule, and creating a relaxing sleep environment.

Lastly, Swann emphasizes the importance of increasing knowledge about nutrition to achieve optimal health. She suggests that we should learn about the nutrients our bodies need and make informed choices about the foods we consume. This will not only improve our gut health but also improve our overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, improving gut health is crucial for our overall health, and small dietary changes can have a significant impact. By focusing on whole foods, reducing processed foods, improving sleep patterns, and increasing knowledge about nutrition, we can achieve optimal health and prevent cancer and other diseases. Incorporating these simple changes into our daily routine can lead to a healthier and happier life.

Connect with Dawn on her website:

Suggested Resource Links:

RECIPE – Chocolate Almond Butter Yogurt Bark:

  • 1 1/2 cups unsweetened yogurt
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond butter ( or nut butter of choice)
  • 1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup ( can omit )
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips ( I use Hu or Lily’s)

Line a sheet pan with parchment paper, then mix first 3 ingredients in a bowl. Spread yogurt mixture onto sheet pan.
Melt chocolate chips in microwave 20 second intervals to avoid burning or in a double boiler, then drizzle onto yogurt mixture and swirl with a knife.
Freeze for about 4 hours then break into bark and enjoy! Store in freezer.

Optional add ons:  shredded coconut, pumpkin seeds or berries.

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Bieler’s Vegetable Broth Recipe (For Detox & Cleansing)

Our dear friend Dawn Swan recommended this healing vegetable broth recipe she often recommends to her clients, friends and family. Dawn is an integrative nutrition health coach.

What is Bieler’s Vegetable Broth?

Bieler’s broth was invented by a doctor named Henry Beiler as a medicinal soup to help promote healing and detoxification in the body. Dr. Bieler claimed that this soup would help restore the correct acid/alkaline balance in the body. He speculated that it also helped balance the sodium/potassium levels in the body.

Benefits of Bieler’s Vegetable Broth

The benefits of this vegetable broth are in its nourishing qualities and not its taste. This broth is used in many cleanses and detox protocols. Cancer patients often use it for an easy source of nourishment that is easy on the stomach. You can also use it to calm down allergies (see tips for an add-ins below).

I also turn to this recipe during illness. The high vitamin C and K content make it great for supporting the immune system.

This Broth Traditionally Contains

  • Zucchini – A natural source of potassium and sodium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6
  • String beans – Also a good source of sodium and potassium, as well as chromium, phosphorus, and choline
  • Celery – Excellent source of vitamin K, potassium, folate, and pantothenic acid (B vitamins)
  • Parsley – A multivitamin in a single plant! Parsley is a great source of vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants, and beneficial volatile oils. It is said to be cleansing and nourishing to the body.

The true “Bieler’s Broth” recipe contains only the ingredients above and it is wonderful just like that. When allergies hit, you can a few extra ingredients to help calm them down. These are all optional but add flavor and additional nutrients.

  • Nettle – A natural remedy for allergies. Add a few leaves of wild harvested nettle to this broth. It is easy to find during the warmer months. You can also harvest and freeze some for winter months.
  • Dandelion – Known as a liver cleansing herb. Dandelion greens seem to help allergies and are great for the skin. Harvest these from your yard too and freeze some in ice cube trays for winter months.
  • Garlic – Adds great flavor, but also benefits the body in many ways.

How to Make Bieler’s Vegetable Broth

This broth is quick and easy to make. Gather the ingredients above and you can make it in under half an hour. Here’s how:




  • 4cups water
  • 3medium zucchinis (roughly chopped)
  • 4stalks celery (roughly chopped)
  • 1 string beans
  • 1bunch parsley (stems removed)
  • ÂĽcup nettle leaf (optional)
  • ÂĽcup dandelion greens (optional)
  • 1-2cloves garlic (optional)


  1. Place water, celery, zucchini, string beans, and nettle, dandelion, and garlic if using in a large pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for about 10 minutes or until all vegetables are bright green and tender.
  3. Remove from heat and add parsley.
  4. Use an immersion blender or food processor to blend until smooth. A Believe Big favorite is the Vitamix blender.


For a more nourishing and filling soup, use broth instead of water. Feel free to add any desired spices, though for illness and allergies, I find that the bland and basic soup seems most calming.


Serving: 1.5 cupsCalories: 56kcalCarbohydrates: 12gProtein: 3.6gFat: 0.5gSaturated Fat: 0.1gSodium: 43mgFiber: 5.1gSugar: 3.6g


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Alcohol and Your Health

Alcohol can be a touchy subject for folks, even more so than sugar for some.  Check in with yourself on how this topic resonates for you – how difficult is it to think about reducing or eliminating alcohol for the benefit of your health right now?  Hopefully, it’s not a difficult choice but I want to honor and make space for the fact that it can be for some.  If you feel like this topic hits a nerve for you, consider listening to the Chris Beat Cancer podcast interview with Annie Grace back in Jan 2020. It’s a raw & very honest conversation about alcohol and the role it plays in your life.


So what’s all the fuss about alcohol and cancer risk?  Let’s unpack this topic by

  • Statistics/facts about alcohol & disease
  • understanding how the body processes alcohol
  • Understanding alcohol’s effects on the body
  • Looking at how alcohol causes cancer
  • How alcohol depletes essential nutrients & impairs absorption of others
  • How alcohol damages the microbiome — Alcohol & Gut inflammation 2017

It has been estimated that approximately 2 billion people worldwide drink alcohol on a daily basis, with more than 70 million people having a diagnosed alcohol use disorder (World Health Organization 2004). GI Microbiome 2015

Alcohol damages nearly every organ in the human body and is responsible for causing more than 60 different diseases.  Alcohol consumption is responsible for 5% of all death annually, but of those, 13% are due to cancer.  For obvious reasons, alcohol is causally linked to cancers of the digestive tract — all the way from mouth to rectum — as well as liver cancer and breast cancer in women.

The risk of these cancers is increased even in people who have only one alcoholic drink per day. (Essay – Lazaro).

Light alcohol drinking (up to one drink per day) increases the risk of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and breast, but not of the liver, larynx, colon and rectum.

Click here to listen to our latest webinar where we cover all the information above.

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